Krita Shortcuts
If you’re looking to become a Krita whiz, then shortcuts are the way to go! Shortcuts help you get more done in less time and can make creating artwork on Krita just that much easier.
Not only will mastering these tricks of the trade allow for increased efficiency, but it will also give you access to tools and features that may take longer if accessed through menus or panels.
With this blog post, we’ll explore some helpful Krita shortcuts you should know as an artist looking to up their game. Get ready to supercharge your workflows by becoming an expert in the wonderous world of art creation with Krita!
Introducing Krita – What is Krita and How to Get Started
Krita is a powerful open-source digital painting and illustration software designed for artists, illustrators, and animators. It offers a wide range of tools and features that allow for creative freedom and flexibility in creating digital artwork.
To get started with Krita, you can download it for free from their official website. Once installed, you can begin exploring the user-friendly interface and all the tools it has to offer.
Krita also offers a variety of resources for beginners, such as tutorials, community forums, and a manual, to help you get familiar with the software and its features.
Krita Shortcut Keys – Essential Keyboard Shortcuts for Krita
Now, let’s jump into some essential keyboard shortcuts for Krita. These shortcuts will help you save time and effort while working on your digital art projects.
Krita Brush Size Shortcut – Quickly Change Your Brush Size
As you may know, the brush size is an essential aspect of digital painting and drawing. With Krita’s brush size shortcut, you can easily adjust your brush size while working on your artwork. Here’s how:
- To increase the brush size: press [ key
- To decrease the brush size: press ] key
How to Deselect – Deselect All
When you have a section on your canvas it makes it so that the artist can copy or move the selection. But also selections can allow for the artist to restrict the locations they can paint in. To deselect all fields on a canvas press CTRL + Shift + A all at the same time.
Zoom Shortcut – Krita Shortcut Keys to Zoom in or out of a Canvas
To zoom in and out of your canvas quickly, you can use the following Krita shortcut:
- To zoom in: press + key
- To zoom out: press – key
How to Flip Canvas in Krita – Changing Canvas Orientation
You can use the Krita shortcut key M to flip your canvas horizontally. This is helpful when you need to check the symmetry of your artwork or work on a different perspective.
Brush Tool in Krita – Change back to the Brush tool
It is common to use other tools than the brush when working in Krita. The Brush Tool will allow you to paint using a various selection of brush styles, creating unique and complex brush strokes. To access this tool quickly, use the shortcut key B.
Krita Windows Shortcut – Managing Windows with Keyboard Shortcuts
Managing multiple windows and panels in Krita can be a hassle, especially if you’re working on a small screen. To make things easier, here are some useful keyboard shortcuts for managing windows in Krita:
- To switch between tabs going right: press Ctrl + Tab
- To switch between tabs going left press CTRL + Shift + Tab
- To toggle Full Screen Mode: press the Tab button
Tip: Ctrl + Tab and CRTL + Shift + Tab shortcut keys can be used in other programs such as many internet browsers.
Krita Edit Brush – Customizing Your Brush for Maximum Efficiency
With the Krita Tool Options, you can customize your tools and their settings to suit your specific needs. To quickly access this feature, use the shortcut key F5.
Krita Tablet Mode Description- Configuring and Using Tablet Mode in Krita
Tablet Mode in Krita allows you to use your graphic tablet more effectively by customizing pen and pressure settings. To switch to Tablet Mode quickly, use the shortcut key T.
Krita Resize Selection- Quickly Select and Resize Objects with the Mouse
The Krita shortcut key Ctrl + T allows you to select and resize objects using your mouse. This is handy when you need to make quick adjustments or changes to your artwork.
Renaming Layers – Quickly rename all layers!
When starting out it is common to rename layers by right clicking the layer then selecting rename. However if using multiple layers that need their own name there is a fast way to do this.
First select the layer you want to rename then simply press the F2 button on your keyboard. (Some Keyboards will require you to toggle a “FN” button) The F2 button makes it so that you do not need to aim at clicking the Rename button when the menu is up.
Then if you need to rename the Layer below simply press TAB to move the renaming process down to the next Layer page. If you need to move up layers press Shift + Tab. Using these three hotkeys will allow you to rename as many Layers you want in a fraction of the time.
Layer Selection – Changing which layer you are working on
For those who are using multiple layers for their artwork it is great to know how to do this with keyboard shortcuts. Simply press Ctrl + Page Down or Crtl + Page Up to navigate to layers above or below your current layer.
Krita Move Selection- Moving Selection Boxes With Ease
To move a selection box without affecting the contents inside it, use the Krita shortcut key Ctrl + Alt + drag with your mouse. This will allow you to reposition elements in your artwork without having to redraw them.
Krita Invert Selection- Inverting Your Selection Quickly
To invert your selection in Krita, use the shortcut key Ctrl + I. This will switch your selection from what was previous preset selected to everything that wasn’t selected.
Krita Full Screen- Maximizing Your View for Easy Editing
To work on your artwork without any distractions, use the Krita shortcut key F to toggle full-screen blending mode. This will hide all menus and panels, giving you a clear view of your canvas.
Krita Eraser Shortcut- Erasing Areas of Your Work Easily
To quickly switch to the eraser tool, use the shortcut key E. This will allow you to erase any parts of your artwork that you want without having to manually select the eraser from the toolbar.
With these helpful Krita shortcuts, you’ll be able to navigate through the software with ease and create stunning digital artwork in no time. Be sure to practice using these shortcuts and explore more options within Krita to enhance your art-making experience further.
Single button Hotkeys in List format:
Below is a simple list of single button Krita hotkeys. Some of the krita shortcuts will toggle effects so be sure that you remember which ones toggle! For example, the hotkey E will toggle the Eraser mode and if toggled on then choosing your brush will not toggle the Eraser off.
- Page up: Move to page above current selected page.
- Page down: Move to page below current selected page.
- Tab: Toggle Full Screen Mode.
- B: Changes the tool to Brush mode
- E: Toggle Eraser mode. Don’t forget to toggle this off if you want to paint.
- M: Flip Canvas horizontally
- [ or ]: Change Brush Size (Down & Up respectively)
- D: Change brush color to black.
- Delete: Deletes selected page(s) or deleted selected items on the page via the Lasso.
- – and +: Zoom in and Out
- 1: Zoom 1 sets the canvas to 50%
- 2: Fit canvas to screen
- 3: Zoom canvas to 113.3%
- 4: Rotate canvas by 15% counter-clockwise
- 5: Rotate canvas to 0% (Or Vertical)
- 6: Rotate canvas by 15% clockwise
- F1: Open default browser to Krita’s Official Manual.
- F2: When a Layer is selected – the F2 button will allow you to rename that Layer.
These single button hotkeys are designed to make your workflow more efficient and save you time when creating digital artwork in Krita. Experiment with them and find out which ones work best for you. Remember, practice makes perfect!
Multi-button Hotkeys in List format:
Below are some common multi-button Krita shortcuts.
- Ctrl + Left-Click: Eyedropper (Selects color already used on canvas depending on where you click)
- Spacebar & Left Mouse Click: Grab and move Canvas
- Ctrl + Shift + A: Un-select any selected items.
- Ctrl + E: Merge current page with the page below it.
- Ctrl + T: Enables selected items to be moved around on the canvas.
- Ctrl + R: Changes to the “Rectangular Selection Tool” to allow selected art to be manipulated.
With these multi-button hotkeys, you’ll have even more control and flexibility when creating digital artwork in Krita. Play around with them and see how they can improve your workflow. Keep practicing and exploring different shortcuts to become a Krita pro!
Common Hotkeys in List format:
Common hotkeys are key combinations that are show common used in other operating systems and programs. These can be applied to Krita as well, making it easier for users who are familiar with these Krita shortcuts.
- Ctrl + Z: Undo – reverses the last action taken
- Ctrl + S: Save – saves the current Krita session
- Ctrl + Shift + S – Saves the current art file as a new file. This allows artists to keep the old file if desired.
- Ctrl + C: Copy – copies selected item to clipboard
- Ctrl + V: paste ctrl- pastes copied item to new location
- Ctrl + X: Cut – cuts and erases selected item, then pastes it to a new location.
- F2: In many operating systems when a file, or folder, is selected the F2 button allows for a quick way to rename the file. This can be used on a layer when it is selected.
These common hotkeys are essential for any Krita user to know and can help speed up your workflow when creating digital artwork.
Where can I access and customize Krita’s keyboard shortcuts, including those for the brush tool and other functions?
In Krita, you can access and customize keyboard shortcuts by navigating to the “Settings” menu and selecting “Configure Krita.” Inside the configuration menu, you’ll find the “Keyboard Shortcuts” tab, where you can view and modify default shortcuts to enhance your digital art workflow.
How do I change the background color while working with the brush tool in Krita, and can I do this using keyboard shortcuts?
Changing the background color while using the brush tool in Krita is simple. You can press “B” to activate the tool and use “Ctrl” to select the background show color, allowing for easy transitions between painting and background adjustments.
Is it possible to set custom keyboard shortcuts for specific actions like saving incremental backups in Krita, and where can I configure these shortcuts?
Indeed, you can create custom keyboard shortcuts for actions such as saving incremental backups. To set these shortcuts, visit the “Keyboard Shortcuts” tab in the “Configure Krita” menu, where you can assign your preferred key combinations to various functions.
What’s the keyboard shortcut for quickly switching between the previous layer and the current layer in Krita?
To swiftly toggle between the previous and current layers in Krita, you can use the “Page Up” key to access the previous layer and “Page Down” to return to the current one, simplifying duplicate layer management.
How can mastering Krita’s keyboard shortcuts, including easy access to favorite presets and actions, enhance my digital art workflow?
Proficiency with Krita’s keyboard shortcuts can significantly elevate your digital art experience. To access favorite presets quickly, assign a keyboard shortcut to “Previous Favorite Preset” in the “Keyboard Shortcuts” tab within the “Configure Krita” menu. This empowers you to smoothly cycle through your preferred settings, whether they are brush presets, tools, or other elements, streamlining your creative process.
How do I access and customize keyboard shortcuts in Krita through the “settings configure” option, and what are the benefits of tailoring these shortcuts for my digital art workflow?
Accessing and customizing keyboard shortcuts in Krita using the “settings configure” option allows you to fine-tune the software to your specific needs. By personalizing shortcuts like “save incremental backup,” “decrease brush size,” and “layer ctrl,” you can streamline your creative process, making it more efficient and enjoyable.
Can you explain the advantages of using the “save incremental” feature in Krita and how to configure it for a smoother digital art workflow?
The “save incremental” feature in Krita is a valuable gradient tool for maintaining version history in your digital art projects. By configuring it, you can automatically save incremental backups at set intervals, ensuring that you always have access to prior versions. This safeguard against errors and creative experimentation allows you to work with confidence, knowing you can easily revert to a previous state when necessary.
With these Krita shortcuts, you can improve your creative process and speed up your workflow. It’s important to remember that these tips won’t replace practice, but will help you get going faster. Taking the time to set up your own Krita shortcuts can be challenging, but it’s worth the effort in order to streamline how you work.
With some customization, you can make Krita fit perfectly into your working process and achieve greater results with less effort.