Nori grew up on the planet Anfis, in a small town near the edge of a forest. She was always fascinated by the stories she heard about the Dragon God, who was said to live on the planet and protect it. Even though she didn’t believe it was true, she found the stories exciting nonetheless.
One day, when Nori was walking through the forest near her home, she saw a huge dragon flying overhead. She was so amazed and excited that she ran after it, until it finally landed in a clearing in the forest. The dragon looked at her with its bright green eyes, and Nori suddenly realized that this was no mere myth – this was real!
The dragon spoke to her in a deep, commanding voice. It said that it was indeed the Dragon God, and that it had been watching her for some time. It explained to Nori that there were dark forces at work in the world, and that it needed her help to stop them. Nori agreed to help the Dragon God, and it gave her a special amulet to protect her from harm.
Nori then set out on a journey to find a Wolf who could help her defeat the evil forces arrayed against them. She knew that she would need all of her strength and courage if she hoped to succeed…